But we're at a time in music where it's easier to discover old gems, and entirely plausible for them to become the hits they were once denied - so there's still hope that this song will reach the audience that it deserves. *Gestures* If Lion Babe were to have released "Where Do We Go" in 2020, things may have fared differently than its barely noticeable release in 2015. Sometimes a great song can release at the wrong time and not catch the traction it deserves. In the other flash-forwards, Midge vividly captures the moment: She sports an upscale red sequin outfit for her 60 Minutes interview, a peach Bedouin-inspired outfit and turban (looking like. Lion Babe gave it all to us, and were paid dust. And one of those songs was "Where Do We Go".ĭance music. Lion Babe have yet to really have their breakthrough moment into the mainstream - but that's not to say they haven't released songs that could have done just that, because they have. Front woman Jillian Hervey doesn't shout from the rooftops that she's Wilhelmina Slater's daughter, even though it could probably help her somewhat. Ill apologise Everybody changes when the musics right Chorus: Turn up the beats and join me on the dance floor (dance floor) Rip off the sheets and. Kud dance is a folk dance from Jammu, performed by the Dogra community after the harvesting of crops is finished. This folk dance is also popular among the Harp tribe of the state but is called a different name, Wangala Dance. But despite Lion Babe having 2 albums under their belt, and being out here touring, making music, selling out merch and enjoying a good career, they're still somewhat underground. Come dance your heart out to the best of the 90s or 2000s music videos in Lolas at McMenamins Crystal Ballroom and The Spanish. Both men and women take part in the dance and wear colourful costumes and jewellery.